Possum and Payton

Possum and Payton
I love my Bengals!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Potential Benefits of Mind Mapping

First off, I just wanted to share that I loved doing this assignment. It was a lot of fun. I'm a visual learner so seeing my notes on paper and being able to connect the dots and doodle with a purpose was a lot of fun. I did my mind mapping on purchasing the right make-up for you. Sorry boys, you may not find this mind map very useful, unless you have wives, girlfriends or daughters who are into make-up. You can wow them by showing your knowledge of just a small part of their world! Trust me, we do appreciate when you try and show your interest in the little things.

And I disgress. There are many potential benefits of mind mapping. We were asked to point out at least five. Below are the five I thought were the most interesting and beneficial:

1.) Mind mapping helps you to think smarter during discussions and brian storming activities. Research has proven that mind mapping has become an excellent tool for brain storming and getting discussions moving. It allows indiviudals to interact, connect the dots, share ideas and see the big picture.
2.) Mind mapping helps you to learn faster and provides a perfect studying and learning tool.
3.) Mind mapping decreases the amount of work and paper you use to take notes. Less paper means you are less likely to loose your notes. And not to mention you save trees!
4.) Mind mapping helps you look at the entire picture. Literally. You can see your brain storming there in front of you. For visual learners like myself it is a great tool I can reference when I'm trying to connect the dots and relate relevant information.
5.) Mind mapping uses the full power of your BRAIN!!! Both right and left sides are working together so you can be creative AND organized! How's that for using your brain's full potential? Mind mapping stimulates memory to help you store more facts. Plus, you can doodle with a purpose!

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