Possum and Payton

Possum and Payton
I love my Bengals!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Creativity and Education

I really enjoyed this video. It shows us that if we take creativity away from children we are not properly preparing them for the future. We are not nuturing young inventors, but squandering them. The video uses Picasso as an example. If Picasso knew "F" didn't stand for "fantastic" and his paintings weren't that of the norm we would never have experienced his self-proclaimed blue period (among other periods), witnessed an artist's talents or have been positively impacted by his work. So, perhaps (as the video states) "to be creative is to remain childlike."


  1. I too found Sir Ken Robinson's video to be my favorite of the three we were given to review. I felt he brought up very good points with the dancer, as well as the general style of teaching that occurs in most classrooms. Even doing a speech on YouTube as he did, illustrates his dedication to creativity and technology, to me.

  2. I really enjoyed watching this video. It is very interesting to see how much children's creativity is limited now days. When they are really young they always have fun creative stories. As they get older and go to school or are being told by adults that is not the way it is this creativity disappears.

  3. I also enjoyed this video. It is funny thinking how Picasso would have reacted an how teachers these days would probably label him as having a learning disorder.
